UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – Children and their families can explore animals, plants and much more at Penn State's 2016 Ag Progress Days expo, Aug. 16-18. Activities will keep kids active and entertained as they explore the event.
In interactive exhibits at the 4-H Youth Building, on Main Street between West Eighth and West Ninth streets at the Ag Progress Days site, children can learn about and hold insects, play with bunnies, work with fiber arts, discover the world of food science and even learn about plant diseases. They will also have the opportunity to meet members of the 4-H state officer team and the dairy princesses and take photos in the 4-H photo booth.
“This year’s focus in the 4-H Youth Building is on healthy eating. There will be an entire activity dedicated to exploring grains — their health benefits and the products that contain them. Carbohydrates, vitamins and even proteins from certain grains are necessary for balanced diets,” said building coordinator Mya Rushton, 4-H education program associate.
Following are other Ag Progress Days attractions for youth and family:
- The Shaver's Creek Environmental Center exhibit, on Main Street between West Eighth and West Ninth streets, will feature presentations on wildlife, including turtles, birds of prey, snakes, amphibians and insects.
- At the Kids' Climb, on Main Street near the Equine Exhibits Building, children can don safety equipment and harnesses and climb a tree like a professional arborist.
- Hands-on exhibits at the Pasto Agricultural Museum, on Main Street across from the red barn, will give visitors a glimpse into farm and rural life before the widespread use of electricity and gas-powered equipment.
- Games, a scavenger hunt, food demonstrations and other interactive activities will be offered at the Family Room building on Main Street.
- Visitors can get "lost" in A-Maze-N -Corn, outside the Joseph D. Harrington Crops, Soils, and Conservation Building, at the end of East Fifth Street. This corn maze is accessible for wheelchairs and baby strollers.
- Miniature horses, draft horses and other breeds will be among the demonstrations at the Equine Experience, at the top of Main Street.
- At the Pedal Go Kart Derby, on West Eighth Street behind the Family Room building, kids supply the power as they travel a serpentine track.
Sponsored by Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, Ag Progress Days is held at the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center at Rock Springs, nine miles southwest of State College on Route 45. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Aug. 16; 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Aug. 17; and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Aug. 18. Admission and parking are free.
For more information, visit the Ag Progress Days website at Twitter users can find and share information about the event by using the hashtag #agprogressdays, and Facebook users can find the event here.