DUBOIS, Pa. — An Earth Day celebration at Penn State DuBois will feature educational exhibits and programs on topics such as sustainability, energy conservation and more. The public is invited to attend the event, free of charge, from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 18, in the Multipurpose Building Gymnasium.
Among the more than 20 exhibits and organizations slated for the Earth Day event is the Pennsylvania Woodmobile, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture's traveling exhibit that provides information on the state’s forest resources and the state’s forest products industry. The 34-foot trailer features educational exhibits on forests throughout the state.
Goodwill Industries will also be on hand to accept donations of clean clothing.
Other exhibits include Bilger's Rocks, Clearfield County Conservation District, Clearfield County Solid Waste Authority, Clearfield Jefferson Drug & Alcohol Commission, Domtar, Down to Earth Garden Club, Habit for Humanity, Bob Michael's Honey Bees, Jeff Tech, Jefferson County Conservation District, Jefferson County Extension Office, Jefferson County Solid Waste Authority, Keystone Elk Country Alliance, Lowes, Master Gardener Cheryl Shenkle, O-I, Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Water and Air, and United Electric Cooperative.
The event is sponsored by the Penn State DuBois Wildlife Society & Green Team.