
'Reducing Opioid Stigma' to be held April 17 at Penn State DuBois

DUBOIS, Pa. — The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs will host “Reducing Opioid Stigma: Community Conversation” from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17, in Hiller Auditorium at Penn State DuBois.

This program is free and open to the public. The evening will feature a personal story of recovery told by Evan Figueroa-Vargas, a Philadelphia-based public health advocate. All in attendance also are welcome to share their stories. Organizers plan to hold a solution-based discussion on reducing the stigma surrounding addiction and ways to prevent barriers to recovery.

Individuals who plan to attend are asked to register at

For more information, write to

Last Updated April 1, 2019