A Penn State World Campus nursing student is getting a crash course in crisis medicine working in one of Guam’s three hospitals during an island-wide shutdown.
Katie Francis, who has lived in Guam for the past two years with her Navy husband, has been a nurse for more than a decade. She is working on the nurse educator option of the master of science in nursing that is offered online through Penn State World Campus. Francis said she uses her nursing education skills to help train new hires, including traveling nurses who have come to the island to help with the pandemic.
Last spring, the U.S. territory in the Pacific weathered the first wave of the pandemic and life went back to normal. But starting in June, the island’s three hospitals have “pretty much been inundated,” she said. The 212-square mile island, which has a population of about 170,000, has had 91 deaths and nearly 6,000 reported cases of COVID-19, as of Nov. 11.
Francis works in the intensive care unit at the private Guam Regional Medical City. The other hospitals on the island are a military hospital and a government hospital that is the primary destination for coronavirus patients. But with the government hospital at maximum capacity, her hospital opened a unit to handle some COVID patients as well.
Working as a nurse during the pandemic has meant “lots of challenges,” Francis said. “But it really has pulled the health care community together and improved communication between the two hospitals.”
Francis said Guam’s remote location makes it difficult to recruit staff, ensure reliable delivery of supplies, and medevac critically ill patients off the island to Hawaii — an eight-hour flight — so they can get access to specialists and acute care.