Information Sciences and Technology

Penn State Berks offers cyber security camp

READING, Pa. — This summer, Penn State Berks will host two GenCyber camps for rising 10th, 11th and 12th graders. The camps are funded by a GenCyber grant that Penn State Berks received from the National Security Agency and the National Science Foundation. The camps will take place June 19–23 and July 10–14. The registration deadline is May 15.

The GenCyber camp program will enhance students’ information security skills and knowledge, as well as their awareness of standards and norms regarding cybersecurity. Students will be involved in many hands-on activities designed to protect and defend personal privacy and information systems, and they will also learn techniques for “white hat hacking” in a virtual computer laboratory.

Camp topics will include cryptography, digital forensics, computer networking, system penetration testing and safe behavior online. Students will also meet with cybersecurity professionals and learn about pathways to cybersecurity-related education and careers. Students will learn a number of concepts introduced in college-level cybersecurity courses and work with undergraduate mentors. 

Prospective students can apply by completing the online application form at Admittance to the program is competitive based on the criteria outlined in the GenCyber program, with the goal of enhancing the information-security education pipeline by recruiting students who are significantly underrepresented in the information security workforce. Academic achievement in STEM fields, interest in learning, and social maturity are considered among the selection criteria.

The vision of the GenCyber program is to be part of the solution for the nation's shortfall of skilled cybersecurity professionals. The GenCyber program aims to inspire young people to direct their talents in cybersecurity, an area that is critical to the future of our country’s national and economic security as we become even more reliant on cyber-based technology in every aspect of our daily lives.

Penn State Berks began offering the security and risk analysis (SRA) degree program in 2006 to address the need for employees with technological skills in cybersecurity. The SRA program is in compliance with the requirements of NSTSSI 4011: Information Systems Security (INFOSEC) Professionals, and offers a set of courses that provides an understanding of the theories, skills and technologies associated with network security, cyber threat defense, information warfare and critical infrastructure protection. SRA graduates earn a certificate of recognition as part of the Penn State College of Information Science and Technology’s designation as a national Center of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Information Assurance and Cyber-Defense Education by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.

For additional information about the GenCyber camp program and the application process, visit or contact Abdullah Konak at 610-396-6310 or

Last Updated May 5, 2017