Every time users visit canvas.psu.edu and cms.psu.edu (the ANGEL home page), they will now see a visual reminder of how much time is left until the end of direct access to ANGEL at Penn State.
The Goodbye ANGEL Access clock is steadily counting down to 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 31, when faculty, staff, and students will no longer be able to directly access content in ANGEL courses or ANGEL Groups.
Beginning Nov. 1, access to ANGEL courses will be available by request. Details on the request process will be available in the future. Faculty and staff who have courses in ANGEL are urged to export a copy of their ANGEL content http://bit.do/exportANGELcourse and/or move them now to Canvas.
Faculty who need assistance moving content to Canvas have several options:
• Contact the TLT Instructional Support Team. The team can answer questions during Virtual Office Hours http://canvas.psu.edu/tlt-virtual-office-hours/ or move a course for faculty who complete a Conversion Assistance Request http://canvas.psu.edu/course-conversion-assistance-request/.
• Register for a “Transferring Content to Canvas” http://bit.do/transfercontent training session.
• Learn more about migrating a course in the Canvas Learning Path http://bit.do/canvas_module2B/.
• Contact the Canvas Liaison for your campus or college http://canvas.psu.edu/canvas-liaisons/.
Additional important dates about ANGEL are:
• June 30 is the last day to create new ANGEL Groups. Box, Yammer, Sites at Penn State, and Qualtrics are four alternatives that ANGEL Group users should consider as a replacement. http://bit.do/PSUANGELGroups
• Aug. 11 is the last day to teach in ANGEL. Students who have requested a deferred grade for a course taught in ANGEL will need to work with their faculty to make sure they have access to necessary course materials.
Contact LMSsupport@psu.edu with any questions.