Information Technology

Penn State Account Storage Space to be retired

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State IT plans to retire the Penn State Account Storage Space (PASS) service in July 2023. The availability of alternatives like Microsoft OneDrive has led to a significant reduction in the use of PASS in recent years, and operating costs have increased. PASS has been a storage solution at the University for decades.  

Faculty and departments using Courses Web or Departmental Web spaces have already received communications to prepare them for this change. Individuals using a personal PASS space must also select an alternate technology for their needs. 

To learn more about the change, visit the PASS Future SharePoint site. To evaluate alternative storage solutions offered through Penn State, visit the Choosing Your PASS Alternative page.  

For assistance with PASS, submit a help ticket to the team via the Penn State Department PASS and Web Hosting General Request.

Last Updated October 7, 2022