Information Technology

Technical teaching assistants available for spring 2022

Credit: Penn State. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Technical teaching assistants (Tech TAs) debuted at Penn State in March 2020 to support faculty teaching in virtual and hybrid modes. Since then, the program has evolved to provide assistance with in-person instruction, and it is set to continue for the spring 2022 semester.  

Tech TA request forms are available online now so that faculty can secure help using Zoom or Canvas in their course(s). Upon being paired with a Tech TA, faculty will receive an introductory email and then a direct follow-up from their Tech TA to determine specific needs and next steps.

Tech TAs originated as “Zoom gurus” who managed virtual classroom technology and allowed faculty to focus exclusively on teaching. They will continue to serve in that capacity for in-person, hybrid and virtual courses this spring while also assisting with Canvas. 

In Zoom, a Tech TA’s work can include creating and assigning breakout rooms, moderating the chat, running polls, and processing a class’s Zoom recording. In Canvas, meanwhile, they can migrate and input course content, activate learning tool integrations, build assignments or quizzes, and more. 

Faculty should note that Tech TAs are not trained to proctor or grade exams, quizzes or assignments. Additionally, Tech TAs cannot design course material or attend in-person classes or events. 

Last Updated December 7, 2021
