Information Technology

TLT accepting applications for Faculty Engagement Awards

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UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State’s Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) is accepting applications for the 2022-23 academic year’s Faculty Engagement Awards. The theme for this year’s projects is Experiential Virtual Spaces that mimic the in-person active learning classroom environment. 

Elements of these spaces include a dynamic virtual environment, embedded live video or avatars, spatial sound where sound becomes louder the closer you get to someone else in the environment, and free movement around the space.

“We’re eager to work with faculty on investigating the benefits and best practices of Experiential Virtual Spaces that support collaboration, connecting with others, and virtual presence,” said Amy Kuntz, an instructional designer with TLT. “These types of spaces have enormous promise for encouraging learning and providing new capabilities for connection.”

TLT’s Faculty Engagement Awards are allocated annually around a theme that combines sound pedagogy and digital tools. This year’s focus, Experiential Virtual Spaces, intends to leverage technology that can implement virtual environments focusing on collaboration and creation for teaching and learning activities.

Penn State faculty with ideas for exploring the educational potential of Experiential Virtual Spaces are encouraged to apply for this year’s Faculty Engagement Awards. The window for applications is open until Friday, May 6. TLT will contact award winners in mid-May.

Faculty Engagement Award recipients will collaborate with an instructional designer and technology support staff to identify effective in-class uses of Experiential Virtual Spaces. Additionally, TLT staff will help to assess the technology’s impact and share relevant findings with the Penn State community.

Last Updated April 15, 2022