Lehigh Valley

'Five @ Five' lecture series invites community to explore American presidents

Penn State Lehigh Valley has announced a new topic for its fall "Five @ Five" lecture series, which features five one-and-a-half hour lectures on a given topic in order to provide an in-depth series.

David Longenbach, lecturer in history at Penn State Lehigh Valley, will present the fall series on the topic of American presidents. In this five-part series we'll explore the presidency and the individuals who have shaped the office during times of both peace and conflict as well as economic booms and busts.

Lectures will be held at 5 p.m. on the following Thursday evenings: Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25, and Nov. 1 at the Lehigh Valley campus located at 2809 Saucon Valley Road in Center Valley.  The lecture series is open to the public and the cost is $59 per person, or $89 for two people from the same household.

The five-part series will explore:

Oct. 4: America’s Early Presidents
Oct. 11: The Presidency, Civil War, and Reconstruction
Oct. 18: The Presidency in the Gilded Age
Oct. 25: Presidents, World Wars, and Depressions
Nov. 1: The Presidents and the Challenges of Modern Times

For more information or to register for the series, contact Jessica Kemmerer at 610-285-5133 or email jlb995@psu.edu, or visit the series website.


Last Updated September 11, 2018