SAGE (Senior Adults Gaining Enrichment), a lifetime learning program at Penn State Lehigh Valley for adults over 55 years old, was recently featured on PBS 39 WLVT’s news magazine program "Focus." The episode, “Act Your Age,” featured personal stories about World War II veterans, ways to stay in shape and how to keep a sharp mind.
Laura McHugh, host of "Focus," interviewed Diane McAloon, SAGE coordinator and assistant director of continuing education at Penn State Lehigh Valley, and Dennis Stangle, one of SAGE’s founding members, about the SAGE program and how it serves adults over 55 who are interested in expanding life’s experiences. The program aired Friday, May 8, and Sunday, May 10.
The Penn State Lehigh Valley SAGE program meets once a month for networking, a college-level lecture and lunch. In the seven years the program has been offered, topics have included astronomy, local history, business, fashion, art, music, literature, psychology, ethics and religion.
The group is self-funded and self-governed. Members have the opportunity to assist in program planning and expansion into additional learning opportunities. The group has expanded to a "6@6" series where the lecturer focuses more deeply (six weeks) on a given topic. Another addition has been going on field studies to the Barnes Museum, the Gettysburg Battlefield and the eastern Pennsylvania Coal Region. All field studies are guided by Penn State faculty and staff.
By being associated with the local campus, SAGE participants learn firsthand of opportunities to travel abroad with Penn State Lehigh Valley as well as take part in the Go-60 program, which offers access to a wide range of credit courses at a significant cost savings. SAGE members are welcome at open lectures, art gallery events and athletic competitions, and are considered a valued component of the campus community.