Liberal Arts

Annette Lewis delivers keynote address at international web conference

Annette Lewis, web developer in the Penn State College of the Liberal Arts, delivered the Oct. 20 keynote presentation at the Plone Digital Experience Conference in Boston. Credit: photo provided. All Rights Reserved.

BOSTON — Annette Lewis, web developer in the Penn State College of the Liberal Arts, delivered the Oct. 20 keynote presentation at the Plone Digital Experience Conference which recently took place in Boston.

Information Technology Liberal Arts (ITLA) uses the Plone Content Management System to develop websites for units throughout the College of the Liberal Arts.  According to ITLA director Veronica Longenecker, Lewis’ presentation focused on the innovative development methods and techniques that she has integrated utilizing the Plone technology.

“Annette’s presentation addressed her learning process, the ITLA Web Team dynamic, and their current development techniques,” Longenecker said.  “This caught the attention of the more than two hundred web developers in attendance from around the world and prompted many of them to inquire further about the process.

“We look forward to seeing more progressive developments from Annette and the rest of the web team,” Longenecker concluded.

Last Updated November 9, 2016