Penn State Children's Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit:
-- is a level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) - the highest-level NICU.
-- is fully equipped with all forms of life-support, including continuous electronic monitoring of vital signs, arterial blood gas monitoring, respirator care, ECMO and total parenteral nutrition.
-- serves as a referral center for nurseries and other NICUs throughout central Pennsylvania.
-- has annual admissions greater than 500.
-- houses 30 licensed beds.
-- has 50 percent of its admissions as inborn admissions.
-- has neonatal transport service available for both ground and air.
-- has six board-certified, fellowship-trained neonatalogists, five nurse practitioners, and a team of neonatal nurses and specialists to treat the tiniest of babies.
-- has neonatal surgical capabilities available including cardiovascular surgery, pediatric surgery and neurosurgery.