
Hershey MDA Clinic wins Hope Award for Best Clinic

The Penn State Hershey MDA Clinic has received the 2012 Hope Award for Best Clinic, given to one of 23 Muscular Dystrophy Association clinics across six states, including Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina.

The Penn State Hershey MDA Clinic actually comprises of three clinics — a multidisciplinary ALS clinic, a multidisciplinary pediatric MDA clinic and an adult MDA clinic.

This past calendar year, the Penn State Hershey MDA Clinic saw nearly 1,500 visits by more than 800 patients, with more than 180 new patients evaluated. MDA clinic physicians were involved in 12 research projects last year related to MDA-covered diagnoses.

The physicians who staff the MDA Clinic care for all neuromuscular diseases, including areas of expertise in the following:

-- Dr. Zachary Simmons – ALS and related motor neuron diseases

-- Dr. Milind Kothari – myasthenia gravis and disorders of the neuromuscular junction

-- Dr. Matthew Wicklund – pediatric and adult muscle diseases

-- Dr. Aiesha Ahmed – specialized electrodiagnostic studies

-- Dr. Sankar Bandyopadhyay – myasthenia gravis and clinical neurophysiology

-- Dr. Yuliya Zinger – pediatric neuromuscular disorders

-- Dr. Max Lowden – polyneuropathies and autonomic testing

Last Updated February 21, 2013
