
Next Innovation Café to focus on influence and innovation

How to innovate and influence as an intrapreneur will be the topic of the next Innovation Café, which is set for 8 a.m. on Thursday, March 26 at the Hershey Center for Applied Research.

A growing business trend, an intrapreneur describes an individual within a larger established organization who is directly responsible for turning an idea into a profitable product or service through innovation and risk-taking behaviors displayed in an entrepreneur. Nationally-recognized speaker, business strategist and corporate trainer Marion Chamberlain will share tips on how to serve as an organizational innovation leader and impact growth by becoming an entrepreneur on the job.

Chamberlain brings more than 15 years experience working with entrepreneurs, start-up companies and executive leaders at a variety of leading organizations and academic institutions to create leaders who inspire change and spark innovation.

A light breakfast and networking begins at 8 a.m., followed at 8:30 a.m. by the formal program.

Space is limited. Register at:

Last Updated March 19, 2015