Nese College of Nursing

Nese College associate dean elected National Black Nurses Association president

Sheldon D. Fields Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — In the most recent 2023 National Black Nurses Association (NBNA) officer election, Sheldon Fields, Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing associate dean for equity and inclusion and research professor, was elected as NBNA’s 14th president, serving a two-year term. Fields is the association's second male president in its more than 50-year history, and previously served as NBNA’s first vice president.

During his term, he will be working on modernizing and updating the association's operational processes, expanding/increasing membership, implementing new national programs to combat health disparities, expanding continuing education offerings for members, and diversifying and expanding the association's revenue streams.

"In times when it has become clear that we must work harder to ensure that we are training a diverse future nursing workforce, I am deeply honored and grateful that my NBNA colleagues have blessed me with the opportunity to serve as the association's 14th national president. I will do all that I can to live up to the mission and vision of NBNA forged by our founders over 50 years ago," said Fields.

In addition to Fields, current fourth-year bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) student Mamadi Kromah was elected as NBNA’s national student board representative, serving a one-year term. Kromah will serve as a liaison between NBNA leadership and nursing student members, advocating and facilitating communication of student concerns and interests, and helping promote student involvement and engagement within the organization. NBNA also awarded Kromah its 2023 Student Scholarship, in which he will be receiving $10,000 to support his nursing ambitions.

Kromah currently serves as the social media chair for the college’s Multicultural Student Nursing Association (MSNA) and has been a part of NBNA for the past two years. His goal, he said, is to become a role model for future black male nurses and provide the same level of care he received when he was a patient.

"I am deeply humbled and grateful for the trust placed in me by my peers to be elected as the NBNA student representative. I am determined to exceed expectations and leave an impactful legacy. I envision a future where the voices of nursing students are heard, valued and empowered. My goal will be to embrace change, ignite innovation and create a lasting impact on nursing education," stated Kromah.

Fields and Kromah’s positions are effective Aug. 6. The positions and Kromah’s scholarship were officially presented at NBNA’s 51st Institute and Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, this past week.

Last Updated August 30, 2023