Penn State New Kensington will host a "Special Talk with the Allegheny County Airport Authority" on Tuesday, April 16, in the campus Art Gallery at 12:05 p.m. during Common Hour. Members of the campus community and public are invited to attend. Credit: Penn State New Kensington. All Rights Reserved.
New Kensington
Special talk by Allegheny County Airport Authority's senior vice president of business intelligence and applications
12:05 PM - 1:20 PM / April 16, 2024
Members of the campus community and public are invited to hear Chris Miller, senior vice president of business intelligence and applications at the Allegheny County Airport Authority (ACAA). Chris will be speaking about airport operations, management, industry challenges and technology and innovation. The special speaker event will happen in the campus' Art Gallery from 12:05-1:20 p.m. (during Common Hour).
Miller is an experienced leader with implementing corporate strategic initiatives within organizations. His strengths in innovation and transformation, service management and delivery have enabled him to execute many different roles within organizations, from managing corporate-wide integrations and separations to implementing technology, managing data and business engineering departments, developing annual plans or providing corporate strategic updates to C-level executives and board of directors. Miller holds a master's degree from Carnegie Mellon University, and joined the ACAA in 2023 to help build out the technology and the team that will support the future airport.