New Kensington

Bowlathon gets good ‘marks’ for student scholarships; registration forms online

Alle-Kiski Society’s 13th annual spring fundraiser expected to push endowment beyond $100,000

The Alle-Kiski Society is based at Penn State New Kensington and hosts the family-fun Bowlathon on March 22 at Wildlife Lanes in Lower Burrell. Credit: Bill Woodard / Penn State. Creative Commons

UPPER BURRELL, Pa. -- The Alle-Kiski Society's 13th annual Bowlathon is set for 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, March 22, at Wildlife Lanes in Lower Burrell.

Hosted by the local society of the Penn State Alumni Association, the tournament is open to alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff and friends of Penn State. The entry fee is $20 and includes three games and shoe rental. Four- or five-person teams may sign up or individuals may sign up and be assigned to a short-handed team.

The Bowlathon is the alumni group's major fundraiser in the spring, and the proceeds support the society’s endowed scholarship at the campus. The endowment has risen from $51,000 to nearly $100,000 in the past five years. Event sponsorships are available for $250 and $500, and lane sponsorships are available for $50 and $100.

For information, call John Spadaro at 724-337-8536.

For more on the alumni society, visit

The following is an open letter to alumni and friends from the Alle-Kiski Society bowlathon chair

The Alle-Kiski Society of the Penn State Alumni Association represents more than 7,000 alumni living in the Alle-Kiski Valley. Our mission is to represent all current and former students and friends of Penn State through interaction and service to improve the New Kensington campus and the University. The society develops, promotes and supports the campus and enhances communication between students, alumni, friends and the University. We are responsible for the development of programs, both educational and recreational, to strengthen our relationship with the campus.

As a way of raising funds, the society is sponsoring our 13th annual Bowlathon from 1-4 p.m. Sunday, March 22, at Wildlife Lanes in Lower Burrell. We are asking you to support this event by sponsoring a lane or to become an event sponsor. There are various levels of sponsorships for you to help support our event. The levels vary from $50-$500.

The $500 event sponsorship features the company name on the event sponsorship board and bowling alley scoring monitors as well as live announcements throughout the day. In addition, the event sponsor receives a half-page ad in the program and the Penn State New Kensington website, and four free bowling registrations. The $250 event sponsorship includes the company name on the event sponsorship board and bowling alley scoring monitors, live announcements, a quarter-page ad in the program and the campus website, and two free bowling registrations.

As a $100 lane sponsor, you will be included in live announcements throughout the event, on the campus website and newswire service. As a $50 lane sponsor, your company’s name will be prominently displayed during the event, and you will be included in the event program.

Proceeds from the Bowlathon support our campus scholarship, whose endowment has risen to almost $100,000. In the past four years we have donated more than $50,000 to the campus. The money raised from this year’s bowlathon should put us over the top.

For the current academic year, the society awarded a record $4,400 in scholarships to four campus students: Nathan Piluso, of Kittanning; Nathan Schartner, of Pittsburgh; Justine Rojeski, of Apollo; and Jay Eiler, of Brackenridge. Since 1998, the society has awarded $45,000 to 52 campus students.

As you can see, Penn State New Kensington students are the beneficiaries of the Bowlathon proceeds. If you are interested in supporting this event, please complete the online form and mail it to John Spadaro, 508 Greenridge Road, New Kensington, PA 15068.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 724-337-8536. We thank you in advance for your support.



John SpadaroChair, Alle-Kiski Society BowlathonFor sponsorship and registration forms, visit

Last Updated January 28, 2015
