New Kensington

Chancellor’s Cup up for grabs at Alle-Kiski Society alumni bowlathon

Intramural tournament highlights spring fundraiser for student scholarships

UPPER BURRELL, Pa. — The Chancellor's Cup, emblematic of bowling supremacy at Penn State New Kensington, is up for grabs as campus students, faculty and staff test their mettle in the annual event to determine the best bowlers on campus.

The intramural tournament is held in conjunction with the Alle-Kiski Society's 13th annual Alumni Bowlathon from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, March 22, at the Wildlife Lanes in Lower Burrell. Hosted by the Alle-Kiski Society of the Penn State Alumni Association, the family-fun event is open to alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff and friends of Penn State. The entry fee is $20 and includes three games and shoe rental. Four- or five-person teams may sign up or individuals may sign up and be assigned to a short-handed team.

Lane sponsorships, the backbone of the fundraising effort, are available for $50 and $100. Tournament sponsorships are available for $250 and $500. All proceeds benefit the Alle-Kiski Society's endowed scholarship at the campus. The four 2014-15 recipients — Nathan Piluso of Kittanning, Nathan Schartner of Pittsburgh, Justine Rojeski of Apollo, and Jay Eiler of Brackenridge — were awarded $4,400 in scholarships. Since 1998, the society has awarded $45,000 to 52 campus students.

Last year, more than 180 alumni and friends filled Wildlife Lanes to capacity and raised a record $7,100. John Spadaro, a 1982 Penn State graduate and a member of the society’s board of directors, has chaired the event since its inception.

The cup currently resides with the Old Timers, a staff team of Bubba Hileman, Chet Howell, Tim Perroz, Steve Perroz and Carol Perroz. The Old Timers have raised the cup a record seven times. The Mean Four own two titles, and Juicers, Fun Fest and Half-Keglers, the inaugural cup holders, are one-win-wonders.

For information, call Bill Woodard at 724-334-6049.

For registration and sponsorship forms, visit

Last Updated February 19, 2015
