UPPER BURRELL, Pa. -- A history discussion on the hunt for John Wilkes Booth is the topic of a community gathering at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 21, at Penn State New Kensington.
“One Book, One Community,” will delve into the book, “Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer,” by New York Times Bestseller author James Swanson. A group reading will take place in the campus’ Elizabeth S. Blissell Library. A discussion will follow the reading. Copies of the book will be available to borrow in the library.
Participants in the book session also will be eligible to attend a concert by the Westmoreland Symphony Orchestra for the special price of $10. The WSO will perform “American Masters” at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 21, at the Palace Theatre in Greensburg.
Sponsored by the Westmoreland Library Network, the event is a part of a series of discussions of the book from November to February at 17 member libraries. The network is a system of public libraries in Westmoreland county that provides free library service to county residents.
For more information, contact Pat Hollinger at 724-334-6053 or pdh5@psu.edu.
About Blissell LibraryBecause of the Penn State's status as a state-related institution, and its strong public service commitment, the resources of Blissell Library are available for free to the public. The resources include all on-line databases, borrowing privileges, collaborative workstation and a quiet study lounge.
The collaborative workstation allows multiple participants to work on a document or project by viewing large computer screens. The area is equipped with a conference table and six chairs. Up to six laptops or iPads can connect into the hub in the center of the table. The monitors can display two of the laptop screens simultaneously, so the group can work as a team. On the lower level of the library is the study lounge. Located adjacent to the Computer Center, the lounge provides individual study space.
Blissell also is a government depository library, which means that it makes selected government documents accessible to residents of Pennsylvania. Blissell is only the second library in the county to serve in this capacity, and the only Penn State campus library other than University Park to be so designated. The community can take advantage of the library's resources after requesting a Penn State library card. For more information, visit http://www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/lending/borrowingprivileges.html
For more about Blissell Library, visit http://www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/newkensington.html