Office of Physical Plant

Loud noise notification for May 17 on the University Park campus of Penn State

High-Pressure Combustion Lab to conduct small-scale detonation experiments; loud noises expected

The High Pressure Combustion Lab is located on Penn State's University Park campus on Big Hollow Road, behind the Intramural Fields, between Services Road and Tower Road. Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Researchers at the High-Pressure Combustion Laboratory at Penn State plan to conduct a series of small-scale detonation experiments that will each generate a loud noise between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17. The facility is located on Big Hollow Road, between Services Road and Tower Road, behind the Intramural Fields, on the University Park campus.

Each test will generate a single, short, loud noise similar to the sound of a rifle shot that may be noticeable outside the test facility. 

Test plans and this notification procedure have been developed in consultation with Environmental Health and Safety at Penn State.

Last Updated May 16, 2022