Office of Undergraduate Education

Free workshop on teaching innovaton to be held Sept. 12

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – Innovative Teaching at Penn State (ITAP) will present a free workshop, "Evidence-Based Teaching Methods in a Large Introductory Macroeconomics Course," from 12:20 to 1:10 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 12, in the Mann Assembly Room, Paterno Library, University Park campus. The course will be presented by Bill Goffe of the Department of Economics.

This series of talks will highlight interesting teaching innovations at Penn State. The goal is to help further build a community of instructors who are interested in improving learning by their students. All are welcome. Lunch will be provided to registrants. 

Teaching methods based on findings from cognitive science are becoming the norm in introductory college science classes. These courses employ not just active learning, but particular types of active learning based on the science of how people learn. This talk will describe these principles, applicable to most any college course, and describe how they were turned into specific instructional practices for a large (300 student) introductory macroeconomics course. Nearly twice the usual gain was seen on a commonly used assessment. A detailed version of this study was published in the American Economic Associate Papers and Proceedings(with Austin Boyle as a coauthor).

This event is co-sponsored by Innovative Teaching at Penn State (ITAP), University Libraries, and the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence.

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Registration is free. Register at

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Last Updated September 12, 2018