UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State graduate student Radha Krishna Padala is working alongside senior Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program (PennTAP) technical advisers to develop the educational framework that businesses will use during the Pennsylvania Industrial Energy Readiness (PIER) Program to improve their energy management and consumption.
PennTAP is offering U.S.-based manufacturers the opportunity to participate in the free PIER Program, a Department of Energy (DOE) 50001 Ready Cohort, in spring 2023. Over the course of the program, manufacturers will receive training using DOE-developed resources to support their organization as they pursue their energy management path. Manufacturers interested in entering the program should contact their regional PennTAP technical advisor.
PennTAP’s statewide network of expert technical advisors helps organizations maximize their competitiveness through in-person and virtual consultations, unbiased technical advice, online educational resources, and connections to Penn State experts, resources and programs.
“Since my early career days, I have always been an enthusiast of the consulting field, and PennTAP has beautifully paved the way for me in terms of helping me understand the importance of it through regular guidance and mentorship,” Radha said. “Regarding the DOE 50001 cohort project, we are outlining the strategic framework documentation for companies to understand their energy usage to reduce costs and consumption. It is one of the most exciting projects I have been a part of thus far.”
Radha is currently pursuing his master’s in industrial engineering, focusing on operations, services, and analytics. Prior to joining PennTAP as a graduate assistant, he worked for more than three years in the automotive and supply chain industries managing design and development of operational projects, as well as coordinating the technical development and scheduling for engineering processes.
“Radha has been instrumental in the structuring of the framework our advisers will use in the PIER Program,” said Tanna Pugh, director of PennTAP. “Our graduate assistants receive hands on opportunities to positively contribute to the work our technical advisors are doing to support small to medium sized manufacturers across Pa., which proves extremely beneficial to the students’ educational experience at Penn State.”
Companies interested in participating in the PIER Program can learn more here and contact their regional advisor to get involved.
Students interested in the graduate assistantship opportunity with PennTAP should contact Tanna Pugh.
About PennTAP
The Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program at Penn State is a federal, state and University partnership to stimulate statewide economic development. PennTAP helps organizations maximize their competitiveness through in-person consultations, unbiased technical advice, and connections to Penn State experts, resources and programs.