Penn State received about 60 percent of its $780 million total research expenditures in 2009-10 from federal sources, while industry-sponsored research accounted for about $102 million of the University's research spending. Meanwhile, Penn State awarded more than 3,000 graduate degrees in 2009-10 for the first time in its history.
Cover of the Annual Report of Research Activity for FY 2010
Those are just a few of the facts available in the Annual Report of Research Activity, now available online.
The report is published by the office of Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School Henry C. Foley.
"Funding agencies know that they can count on the quality of Penn State research," Foley notes in the report's introduction, pointing out that total annual research expenditures have risen 77 percent over the past decade. The report breaks down sources of research funding by principal category, and highlights expenditures by major performing units across the University.
"Faculty research is essential to a rigorous program of graduate education, and Penn State remains a popular choice for graduate students," Foley writes. The report contains comparative data showing graduate enrollment and the number of graduate degrees awarded over the past decade.
The report also is available in hard copy by contacting the Office of Vice President for Research at or calling 863-9580.