ABINGTON, Pa. — In the summer, it becomes apparent that some people are more devoted to tanning than others. So Meghan Gillen, associate professor of psychology at Penn State Abington, offered some insights recently into tanning and related behaviors and attitudes.
“Tanning is largely motivated by appearance concerns, which is a major theme that cuts across my papers," she said. "Women are more likely to tan than men, perhaps because they have greater appearance concerns. Individuals who are more concerned with their appearances are more likely to tan indoors and sunbathe outdoors.”
People who are more depressed are more likely to tan indoors, perhaps using UV rays as a form of self-medication as UV rays can help people feel warm, relaxed and comfortable, Gillen and co-author C.N. Markey wrote in a paper titled “The role of body image and depression in tanning behaviors and attitudes.”
“In another paper, I found that indoor tanners were more likely to have piercings, tattoos, to engage in healthy dieting behaviors, and to express interest in cosmetic enhancements. Fewer associations were found for outdoor sunbathing,” Gillen said.
These findings suggest that there may be a constellation of appearance-oriented risk behaviors. People who engage in one appearance-oriented risk behavior (tanning) may be likely to engage in other appearance-oriented risk behavior (piercings or tattoos), Gillen and Markey wrote in their paper “Beauty and the burn: Tanning and other appearance-altering attitudes and behaviors.”