UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Graduate Exhibition, a showcase of musical and theatrical performances, cutting-edge research, and visual arts presented by Penn State's graduate students, will open with performances at 7 p.m. Friday, March 18, at Esber Recital Hall and conclude on March 20 with poster presentations by graduate students of their research, along with video and visual arts displays. More than 200 graduate students are expected to present their scholarly work to the public, and more than 150 volunteers are entered as judges in the 31st annual Graduate Exhibition.
PerformancesMusic and TheaterFriday, March 187 p.m.Esber Recital Hall, Music Building
Research PresentationsPosters and VideosSunday, March 201 to 4 p.m.Alumni and Heritage Halls, HUB-Robeson Center
Visual ArtsSculptures, Photography, Paintings and moreSunday, March 201 to 4 p.m.Art Gallery, HUB-Robeson Center (adjacent to the auditorium)
All events are free and open to the public.
Awards will be given to those students whose presentations are judged best in the categories of arts and humanities, engineering, health and life sciences, performance, physical sciences and mathematics, social and behavioral sciences, and visual arts. Award winners will be announced on Monday, March 21.
The Graduate Exhibition celebrates research and creative scholarship, in all its aspects, as an essential and exciting part of graduate education at Penn State. Established in 1986, the Graduate Exhibition places special emphasis on communicating research and creative endeavor to a general audience and offers unique opportunities for professional development by challenging graduate students to present their work in clear, comprehensible terms to people outside their fields.