
Growth of Powder Metal Industry focus of LaunchBox Speaker Series program

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

Bud Jones of Symmco Inc. in Sykesville, Pennsylvania will offer the program "Welcome to the Center for Powder Metallurgy Technology" at 6 p.m. Monday, June 14, via Zoom. Jones is president of the Center for Powder Metallurgy Technology representing the Metal Powder Industry Federation. Register for this virtual program here.

This program is offered in conjunction with the North Central Partnership for Regional Economic Performance (NC PREP) Penn State DuBois Continuing Education.

The Center for Powder Metallurgy Technology (CPMT) merges the academic and corporate powder metallurgy (PM) worlds together with a joint goal to promote PM industry progress. This progress depends on the business community and its drive for profit, and the educational community with its dedication to research and the pursuit of knowledge. CPMT was created to help bring these two very different systems together. This presentation will provide an overview of CPMT, including its ongoing projects, scholarships and grants.

The North Central PA LaunchBox powered by Penn State DuBois and Penn State DuBois Continuing Education launched the LaunchBox Speaker Series to provide education and enlightenment during the COVID-19 pandemic, touching on important topics for health care, powder metal, education and retail. The series has been created with the help of grant money provided by PREP.

PREP is a statewide program launched in response to budget cuts that requires shared work programs among economic development agencies. The objective of the PREP initiative is to encourage a more coordinated and efficient approach to the delivery of economic development and business assistance. The North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission coordinates the partnership as one of four core providers in the area’s PREP consortium. Targeted service providers are encouraged to identify their unique assets and business assistance competences so that the group, as a whole, can identify where any critical gaps or duplications exist.

For more information on this event, or future programming, contact Lori Sabatose at 814-372-3020 or

Last Updated June 14, 2021