UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — “Henry Pisciotta: My Research is Your Research” will be on display in the Borland Project Space (125 Borland) from Tuesday, April 18, through Thursday, April 20. Visitors can meet with Henry from 1:30 to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Assisting with other people’s research is part of College of Arts and Architecture Librarian Henry Pisciotta’s job. In this three-day working research residency, Pisciotta invites faculty, staff and students to visit him in the Borland Project Space to talk about research problems they may be having. He will have equipment and resources on hand to help visitors pursue their work.
Also on display will be posters summarizing Pisciotta’s own publications on topics such as institutional critique by artists of the University Libraries, a statistical analysis of art publishing from university presses, and a systematic study of the use of digital images for teaching.
Pisciotta invites researchers who cannot make it to the Borland Project Space to phone (814-865-6778) or tweet (@HenryPisciotta) in their questions during his residency.
For more information, visit the Borland Project Space website:
For more information on Henry Pisciotta’s research projects, read an article about the “Air Wall” article: