
Registration open for ‘Rural Pennsylvania: How Geography Impacts Health Status’

Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute will present "Rural Pennsylvania: How Geography Impacts Health Status" at its next Recent Topics in Research Methods Seminar Series from 4 to 5 p.m. on Feb. 16. 

The Recent Topics in Research Methods Seminar Series features statisticians and methodologists from multiple Penn State departments. Jonathan Johnson, senior policy analyst at the Center for Rural Pennsylvania and Lisa Davis, director of the Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health and Outreach and associate professor of health policy and administration at Penn State will present February’s seminar.

Registration is required here

Pennsylvania is home to some of the world’s leading clinical training and research institutions. However, nearly one in four of its residents live in a federally designated Medically Underserved Area. The disparity in health care traces the state’s rural and small towns that have seen years of population decline, economic stagnation and limited broadband access.

This presentation will review the demographic and socio-economic landscape of rural Pennsylvania and the role it plays in the demand for health care. It will also highlight some of the major challenges of providing health care in rural Pennsylvania, such as provider shortages, affordability and health outcomes.

The institute released an episode of its Engage Podcast about the challenges of rural healthcare. Listen here.  

The institute's Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design group offers these seminars. This group provides consultations to the Penn State community in study design, data management and analysis. 

Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute provides tools, services and training to make health research more efficient and to encourage collaboration at the University. To request a consultation, complete a service request form.

Last Updated January 29, 2021