Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute will present "Uncover the Power of Observational Studies" at its next Research Methods Seminar Series from 4 to 5 p.m. on Sept. 14. This seminar series is held virtually.
The Research Methods Seminar Series features statisticians and methodologists from multiple Penn State departments. Duanping Liao, professor of public health sciences, will present this seminar.
Registration is required here.
The institute's Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design group offers these seminars. This group provides consultations to the Penn State community in study design, data management and analysis. Up to four hours of consultation is free for faculty or staff.
Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute provides tools, services and training to make health research more efficient and to encourage collaboration at the University. To request a consultation, complete a service request form.
About Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute provides tools, services and training to make health research more efficient at Penn State. It advocates for translational science at the University and is a bridge between basic scientists and clinical researchers. The institute encourages collaboration to discover new treatments, medical procedures and ways to diagnose disease. To subscribe to its weekly newsletter, text PENNSTATECTSI to 22828. Learn more at