Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute will present "How Functional Data Analysis Contributes to Biomedical Research: The Genetics of Childhood Obesity, and the Unfolding of COVID-19 in Italy" at its next Recent Topics in Research Methods Seminar Series from 4 to 5 p.m. on April 13.
The Recent Topics in Research Methods Seminar Series features statisticians and methodologists from multiple Penn State departments. Francesca Chiaromonte, director of the Genome Sciences Institute, chair of statistics for the life sciences, and professor of statistics, will present this seminar. Chiaromonte will discuss the application of functional data analysis in two biomedical research studies. Functional data analysis is a fast-expanding body of methods and tools to analyze data comprised of curves or surfaces.
Registration is required here.
The institute's Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design group offers these seminars. This group provides consultations to the Penn State community in study design, data management and analysis.
Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute provides tools, services and training to make health research more efficient and encourage collaboration at the University. To request a consultation, complete a service request form.