HERSHEY, Pa. — “Engaging the Community in Research” will be presented at the next Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute Bench to Bedside and Beyond Seminar Series from noon to 1 p.m. on Sept. 24. This seminar will be held in H4504 at Penn State College of Medicine, streamed to 116 Henderson at University Park, and streamed online via Zoom. Register at bit.ly/B3Sept2018.
A panel will discuss community-engaged research, resources available through the Community-Engaged Research Core, the core’s faculty fellowship program and the value of Community Engagement Studios. The panel will feature Dr. Jennifer Kraschnewski, co-director of the institute’s Community-Engaged Research Core, Gina Brelsford, 2017-18 Community-Engaged Research Fellow, and Dr. Deepa Sekhar, 2018-19 Community-Engaged Research Fellow.
The Bench to Bedside and Beyond Seminar Series is held to encourage an engaged translational science workforce while promoting a culture of continuous improvement in research conduct and practice at Penn State.
For more information about Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute and its mission to accelerate discoveries to benefit human health, visit ctsi.psu.edu. To request a consultation with the Community-Engaged Research Core, complete the institute’s service request form.