HERSHEY, Pa. — “Translation Genomics: When, what and how to return research results” will be presented at the next Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute Bench to Bedside and Beyond Seminar Series from noon to 1 p.m. on March 22. This seminar will be held in Lecture Room A at the College of Medicine or at 116 Henderson at University Park. Register at bit.ly/B3March2018.
Jennifer McCormick, associate professor of humanities and director, Research Ethics Consultation Service, Penn State College of Medicine, will describe and illustrate through a case study and audience participation the ongoing discussions surrounding genetic incidental findings and return of genetic research results. Topics will include defining a genetic incidental finding; the difference between a primary, incidental and secondary finding; and what should and should not be offered to be returned.
The Bench to Bedside and Beyond Seminar Series is held to encourage an engaged translational science workforce while promoting a culture of continuous improvement in research conduct and practice at Penn State.
For more information about Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute and its mission to accelerate discoveries to benefit human health, visit ctsi.psu.edu.