HERSHEY, Pa. — “Pandemic Impacts on Human Subjects Research Operations: A Discussion of Case Studies that Highlight a Way Forward” will be presented at the next SMaRT Connects webinar. This session will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. on May 28.
Research professionals will present specific examples of how their study operations were modified as a response to evolving guidelines for human subjects research. Facilitated breakout sessions will engage attendees in discussions of dynamic study management.
SMaRT Connects is a resource of the Staffing, Mentorship and Research Training (SMaRT) Program and supports human subjects research professionals through timely College of Medicine research process information, professional development and networking. At each session, attendees will learn the latest tips, techniques, policies and procedures from subject matter experts who facilitate discussion, answer questions and provide guidance.
Registration is requested here.
Penn State College of Medicine’s Staffing, Mentorship and Research Training (SMaRT) Program facilitates the navigation of College of Medicine resources for researchers and research support staff. The program team is available to work with investigators and staff at each stage of the research process, creating alignment with necessary skills and resources when they are most needed. The program is available to all levels of research support faculty and staff at the College of Medicine. Request a consultation here.