Vandegrift wondered whether comparable records were available that would be relevant to Peromyscus numbers.
“We thought and we thought,” says Vandegrift. “And we thought, maybe it’s mousetrap sales, because people don’t buy mousetraps unless they see a mouse in the house, and that happens primarily when the populations are elevated.”
He contacted Woodstream, Inc., the company that makes Victor mousetraps, and asked if they would share their sales figures with him. The Woodstream people sent records for the past 10 years broken down by postal code, by week, for all of the U.S., Puerto Rico, and Canada. “It’s a huge file—a HUGE file—more data than I’ve ever dealt with,” says Vandegrift.
His lab is now comparing that data with results of other trapping studies done in the same time frame across the US, to see if mousetrap sales are indeed a reliable indicator of mouse population numbers. If they are, Vandegrift can use the sales figures to construct long-term Peromyscus population maps for any area of concern. So far, it’s looking good.
Going viral
Seed money from Hudson’s Willaman Chair endowment enabled Vandegrift to start the field studies, but at the time, tests to identify viruses were prohibitively expensive. Without the means to catalog the entire community of viruses the mice carry, he checked the blood samples for a few viral infections for which tests were available. He also checked for gut worms, parasites large enough to be identified with a relatively low-cost, low-power microscope. He encountered one kind of worm he had to send to an expert for identification. It turned out to be a new species, which has since been named after him—Heligmosomoides vandegrifti. “I told my mother that now I don’t have to have children, because I’ve preserved the family name forever,” he says.
Then, as word of his fieldwork got around, a group of Columbia University scientists led by Amit Kapoor, now at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, got in touch with Vandegrift to ask if they could have blood samples from his mice. They wanted to test for a virus similar to Hepatitis C, in hopes that Peromyscus could serve as a model system for studying the disease.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, close to 200 million people worldwide carry Hep C as a chronic infection, and about 20,000 Americans die from it each year. The Hep C virus has been notoriously hard to study because other than humans, it was known to infect only chimps and horses, neither of which anyone wanted to experiment on. Finding a version of Hep C in Peromyscus, which is easy to handle in a laboratory, could greatly improve the odds of developing treatments or possibly even a vaccine for the disease.
Vandegrift agreed to his colleagues’ request, and added one of his own. “Could you identify all the viruses in the samples? Because we have this data set on the population biology that nobody else has, and we could really make use of those,” he recalls. “And they said OK.”
With powerful and less costly new “454” DNA-sequencing technology, the Columbia team compared all the potential viral DNA in the mouse samples with the DNA sequences in GenBank, a massive library compiled from thousands of species. The result was the first comprehensive study of the Peromyscus virome.
The Peromyscus samples do not have any of the viruses typically seen in lab mice—“They’re a different species, so you shouldn’t really expect that,” he says—but they do have at least eight that had never been identified before, including a form of Hepatitis C. Vandegrift and his lab are now studying the course of the disease in Peromyscus. Humans don’t catch the mouse version of the virus, but if the illness it causes in Peromyscus is similar to what happens in people, the adaptable little mouse could become a great boon to those researching the human form of the disease.
Keeping it real
The Peromyscus virome project was so successful that Vandegrift, Hudson, Kapoor and other colleagues have gone on to survey the virome of the deer tick (Ixodes scapularis, also known as the black-legged tick). The project has the potential to spot viruses that don’t currently pose a threat to humans but that could jump to us if they undergo a small genetic change that allows them to infect people or makes them more virulent. Like finding the relative of Hep C in mice, such a discovery would let us study how the virus works and how it is transmitted. “We could even create a vaccine for it pre-emptively, so if it does spill over into humans, we’re finally not behind the 8-ball,” says Vandegrift.