Tracey Carbonetto is beginning her fifth year as a full-time faculty member at Penn State Lehigh Valley. Carbonetto teaches the first-year engineering course, physics and engineering mechanics. She has served on the Undergraduate Research Symposium Committee for the past three years to which she has mentored 15 student researchers. Carbonetto is serving for a second year as the chair of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Northeast PA section, an organization that has more than 700 members. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in engineering from Lehigh University, as well as an MBA from Holy Family University in Philadelphia. Prior to teaching, Carbonetto worked as a principal engineer in the metal and piping industry.
What was the highlight of your summer so far?
This summer I was fortunate to have three great engineering students who were part of a unique undergraduate research project sponsored by the Penn State Office for Undergraduate Research Experiences. These students spent eight weeks engaged in research under my mentorship as well as support from a faculty member from University Park. The students had the opportunity to spend two one-week sessions up at State College where they collaborated with students from all campuses, faculty members and graduate students. The students participated in all sorts of workshops including resume writing, presentation skills seminar and even an outdoor ropes course to develop leadership and teamwork skills.