
Zhu elected as Fellow of the American Physical Society

Jun Zhu, professor of physics at Penn State, has been elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society, the world’s largest organization dedicated to physics, for her outstanding contributions to condensed matter physics. Specifically, the award recognizes her work that has produced “fundamental advances in the understanding of charge-, valley-, and spin-transport in 2D materials.”

The APS Fellowship Program recognizes members who have made advances in knowledge through original research and publication, have made significant and innovative contributions in the application of physics to science and technology, or who have made significant contributions to the teaching of physics or to service opportunities and activities of the society.

Each year, the society elects no more than one-half of 1% of its then-current membership to the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society.

Zhu is an experimental physicist whose research focuses on the understanding of fundamental physics in quantum materials and their potential applications. Her recent research projects explore the electronic properties of two-dimensional layered materials and interferences, with a particular emphasis on topological and valleytronic phenomena that could lead to new device concepts.

Zhu has previously been honored with a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award in 2008.

Prior to joining Penn State in 2006, Zhu was a postdoctoral scientist at Cornell University from 2003 to 2005. She received a bachelor’s degree in physics from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1996 and a doctoral degree in physics in 2003 from Columbia University.


Last Updated September 28, 2020