
Ready, Set, Career! Comprehensive Career Workshop

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM / September 23, 2022

Join Penn State Schuylkill for a comprehensive career prep workshop

Third-year, fourth-year, and Penn State Schuylkill Co-Op students are invited to attend "Ready, Set, Career!," a career prep extravaganza featuring guest speakers and enlightening activities that will help you discover where you fit in your major’s employment landscape. This event also is open students at Penn State's other eastern regional campuses.

Activities include:

  • Networking

  • HR and finance panels

  • Personality assessments

  • Mock interviews

  • Résumé reviews

  • Professional head shots

  • Conversations with alumni

  • Graduate school consultations

Note that professional attire is required for this event.

Register now for this exclusive career workshop.