
Morgan Sewack is Scranton's September Employee of the Month

Penn State Scranton Chancellor Marwan Wafa has announced that Morgan Sewack is the campus' Employee of the Month for September. Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

DUNMORE, Pa. — Penn State Scranton Chancellor Marwan Wafa has announced that Marketing Specialist Morgan Sewack has been named the campus' Employee of the Month for September.

She was nominated for this distinction by Director of Strategic Communications Amy Gruzesky, who wrote, “This summer, Morgan went above and beyond in her role as marketing specialist for the campus when she had to singlehandedly oversee the campus' Strategic Communications office for a six-week period due to my being on medical leave. During this time, she handled all incoming correspondence and communications from the campus, as well as from the community and vendors, and worked with other departments on their marketing and informational materials, providing editing assistance and tracking for all newly created and approved printed and digital content during this time. She also took on more social media responsibilities and had to solely handle the photography and publicity for campus events such as NSO, Spend a Summer Evening, and Moving In Day at the University Commons Apartments. 

"Morgan also worked with advertisers to ensure that upcoming billboard contracts and processing for the fall advertising were kept on track and sent to the proper channels for approval and scheduling; worked with our Strategic Communications counterparts at Penn State Hazleton and Penn State Wilkes-Barre on an annual partnered branding ad that our campuses place in an educational publication each year; and continued to work on campus news and feature stories for the website, while continuing to make herself available whenever necessary to cover campus events that take place on evenings and weekends."

In addition to proving her dedication and commitment to Penn State Scranton during this particular time, Gruzesky added that during the past academic year, "Morgan also worked with the campus' Student Government Association officers to take formal photos for them; assisted the Strategic Communications office work-study student in covering campus events, providing guidance and mentorship; and continued to develop her professional skills by taking part in Penn State Scranton's Media Production Badge program, honing her promotional media production skills, which she has been using in the campus' social media posts, all while maintaining an always cheerful, friendly and helpful demeanor that makes everyone she deals with feel welcomed and at ease.”

Congratulations, Morgan!

The Employee of the Month recognition was initiated in 2016 by Wafa as a way of distinguishing staff members who "go above and beyond the call of duty" in serving Penn State Scranton. Campus staff, faculty and students are encouraged to nominate staff members that deserve to be recognized for “going above and beyond.” The link for nominations can be found here.

Last Updated August 29, 2023