AAUW State College schedules July 30 book drop-off day at new workshop

New location is at 176 Technology Drive in Boalsburg Technology Park

Credit: AAUW. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — After several years in its East College Avenue location, AAUW State College has moved its Used Book Workshop to a brand-new facility located at 176 Technology Drive in the Boalsburg Technology Park, Boalsburg, Pennsylvania, accessible via Discovery Drive off Rte. 322E from State College. 

The workshop is now open for business. It is staffed Monday nights from 6 to 8 p.m., and Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m to 2:30 p.m. During workshop hours, book donors are asked to bring donations to the door and ring the bell for assistance. During other donation times, there are blue donation bins at the driveway entrance.   

A special AAUW State College Book Drop-off Day will take place at the workshop from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, July 30, where donors can deliver books right to the door. Tours of the new workshop will also be available.    

Most types of books are welcome, with the following exceptions: wet, moldy, dirty or torn books; textbooks more than five years old; encyclopedias and other reference sets; records, VHS tapes, cassettes, and magazines. These items will not sell and there are no resources to dispose of them at the workshop. Centre County Recycling will accept soft cover books that are bundled, and magazines, for curbside pickup. Hard-back books can be recycled the same way, once the covers are removed.

“We are very happy in our new location,” commented Donna Trapp, overall book sale chair for the group, “and we’ve already had many, many book donors out with book donations. Their efforts — coupled with dedicated shoppers at the sale, and volunteers who work year-round to make the sale possible — combine to make a win-win for our community.” 

Billie Willits, AAUW State College co-president, added that this has been a wonderful year for the organization, now in its centennial year.  “We grossed over $150,000 at this year’s May sale — breaking our past fundraising record," said Willits. "Almost $90,000 of that went to local grants, projects and scholarships that support our mission to advance equity for women and girls. And now we have a wonderful new facility to work from.  We’re really proud and grateful for this exceptional year.” 

Learn more about AAUW State College at www.aauwstatecollege.org.

Last Updated August 1, 2016