Name: Lindsay Hayes
Title: Academic Adviser
Department: Advising and Certification Center
Phone: 814-863-1072
Office address: 228 Chambers Building*
Directory entry:
Hayes serves as an academic adviser for undergraduate students in the College of Education. She is the main adviser for the secondary math 7-12 major and all of the middle level (grades 4-8) majors. In this role, she supports students in course selection, long-term graduation planning and goal setting during their academic careers. She also creates digital signs to communicate pertinent information to students within the college and designs monthly newsletters with up-to-date information from the advising office. Hayes, who also is a Penn State alumna, currently is pursuing her doctorate in learning, design and technology.
*Note: Due to construction of the new science wing, the Advising and Certification Center has been temporarily relocated to 113A Chambers Building.