If you have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 90 days and are not in a current isolation period, you have developed antibodies to the virus and your next test result could continue to appear as positive, even though you are no longer symptomatic or contagious.
Students who have a positive test result in the myUHS portal from within the last 90 days do not need to participate in required University testing and should not seek testing within this time period. Students, except for World Campus students, can upload evidence of a positive third-party COVID test from within the last 90 days. Negative test results may not be uploaded.
If you received a positive result from a test administered by Penn State, your result is on record with the University and you do not need to submit it through myUHS.
For the answer to this question, as well as other frequently asked questions, go to the virusinfo.psu.edu website.