The University is employing strategies to create an effective detection and management system for all campuses, including testing, contact tracing, and monitoring and reacting to trends in data at the community and national levels.
The Penn State contact tracing program will leverage and scale-up existing contact tracing protocols in place at the University. The spoke-and-hub modeled program will be run by the Office of Student Affairs, with representation from Commonwealth Campuses, and will include consistent oversight for all students, faculty and staff. The team of Student Affairs personnel, nurses and contact tracers will support the University community and enhance access to early health-care consultation and treatment. Contact-tracing supports virus case detection and is designed to help prevent future outbreaks.
More detailed information about contact tracing may be found in this Penn State News story.
The answer to this question and answers to popular questions surrounding the University's response to the coronavirus pandemic can be found by visiting the “latest updates” section of Penn State's comprehensive coronavirus FAQ. The section will be updated regularly with new or significantly revised questions and answers for students, faculty, staff and the community, at
Readers also can follow the latest stories about the response at