Faculty/Staff News of Record: Promotions April 13, 2006


Todd E. Dobson, recycling collector in Office of Physical Plant

George E. Garvey, mechanic grounds equipment in Office of Physical Plant

Jeffrey L. Hinman, heating and ventilating technician at Penn State Erie

Lee D. Locke, maintenance worker, plumbing and piping in Office of Physical Plant

Donald B. Nagle, maintenance mechanic A in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Leonard F. Schott, general helper-repairer in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center


Thomas A. Albitz, programmer/analyst in Information Technology Services -- Administrative Information Services

Matthew S. Baran, assistant research engineer in Applied Research Laboratory

Leah N. Benedict, director alumni programs in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

Sydney D. Bennington, assistant to the bursar in Corporate Controllers Office

Dean M. Blackstock, programmer/analyst in Applied Research Laboratory

Nancy J. Blankenhorn, staff assistant VIII at Penn State Schuylkill

Robert C. Campbell, assistant research engineer in Applied Research Laboratory

Allen R. Carles, information technology specialist in College of Health and Human Development

Corie A. Chambers, staff assistant VII in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

Michael J. Cipriani, director, Development Programs in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

Ingrid M. Colt, staff assistant VI in Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Shannon L. Dennison, staff assistant VIII in Office of the Senior Vice President Finance and Business/Treasurer

Cecelia E. Doty, assistant coordinator, research funds in Office of the Vice President for Research

Nancy L. Eckenroth, staff assistant VI in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Lindsey R. Faussette, staff assistant VI in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Barbara A. Freed, administrative assistant III in Eberly College of Science

Anthony Ghaffari, system administrator in Office of the Vice President for Research

Janet L. Gibson, assistant to the director of university relations at Penn State Fayette

Judy C. Gromis, information planning specialist in College of Health and Human Development

Rita Gumbert, assistant to financial officer I at Penn State Fayette

Alberto Gutierrez, programmer/analyst in Enrollment Management and Administration

Karen L. Hartzfeld, programmer/analyst in Information Technology Services -- Administrative Information Services

Eric J. Helfen,programmer/analyst in Information Technology Services -- Administrative Information Services

Joy L. Himmel, associate director, Health and Wellness Center at Penn State Altoona

Robert S. Hippo, financial officer IV in Corporate Controllers Office

Betty Jo Houser, staff assistant VII in Eberly College of Science

Shannon M. Johnson, information technology specialist in College of Engineering

Lauren Kipp, staff assistant VI in College of Health and Human Development

Sok Kith, programmer/analyst in Office of Budget and Resource Analysis

Kristen M. Kulik, accountant aide in Eberly College of Science

Krista R. Lupton, staff assistant V in Hospitality Services

David W. McCarty, manager of communication technology in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Sherri L. Metcalfe, staff assistant VII in The Smeal College of Business Administration

Lisa D. Morgan, library assistant II in University Libraries

Nancy L. Norris, staff assistant VII in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

Donna L. Panasiti, staff assistant VI in College of Health and Human Development

Wendy L. Peck, administrative assistant III in Office of the Vice President for Research

Charlene M. Petkac, staff assistant VI in Office of the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education

Victoria C. Peurifoy, staff assistant VI in Office of Student Aid/Office of Undergraduate Education

Mary K. Roundtree, construction administration specialist in Office of Physical Plant

Howard E. Rupert, staff assistant VI in Housing and Food Services

Ian M. Salada, manager, engineering services in Office of Physical Plant

Susan D. Sampsell, financial officer VII in Corporate Controllers Office

Elaine R. Sanders, administrative assistant I in Office of the Vice President for Research

Anita D. Sather, assistant director of student aid in Office of Student Aid/Undergraduate Education

Melanie M. Schuster, programmer/analyst in Information Technology Services -- Administrative Information Services

Sherry L. Scully, staff assistant VI at Penn State Fayette

Kathleen M. Shondeck, staff assistant VII in University Arts Services

Michelle L. Snedeker, staff assistant V in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Albert E. Stolte, financial officer V in Corporate Controllers Office

Adam J. Stover, programmer/analyst in Undergraduate Education

Kirk M. Swanson, associate director II in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

Amy S. Uliano, information technology consultant at Penn State Altoona

Victor C. Yartz, program aide at Penn State Fayette

Susan K. Zullinger, library supervisor IV at Penn State Dickinson School of Law

Last Updated March 19, 2009
