Full-time staff receive updated job profiles and levels

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa — On Thursday, June 29, full-time staff members received an email informing them of their updated job profiles and levels. Updates to profiles and levels come as Human Resources (HR) works to implement the final stages of the Compensation Modernization Initiative. HR encourages staff members to fully read through their new profile and level descriptions, as well as explore the updated job catalog of all full-time staff jobs. Staff who have been hired or transferred in the past 90 days will receive notice of their updated profile and level at a later date.

The placement of staff within the updated profiles and levels has been reviewed and validated by both University leadership and managers over the course of several months. While the validation period has ended, staff are able to discuss any questions or concerns about their profile or level with their managers. Managers can work with unit HR strategic partners and HR consultants to review these concerns.

The next major milestone for the implementation of the new compensation program spans late July through early August. During this period, guidelines around salary setting and new staff salary grades will be shared with managers and staff. This timeframe allows University leaders to have a clearer picture of available financial resources prior to adjusting to the new guidelines and salary grades. A combination of guidance from University leaders, unit budgetary strategy, and recruiting and retention goals will define how units apply the new compensation program. HR reminds staff that no one’s pay will be decreased as part of the new compensation program.

HR’s project team and consulting partners continue to work toward fully implementing the new compensation program throughout 2023. Additional information on the initiative is available on the HR website. Staff and managers of staff will continue to receive regular updates in the Compensation Modernization Initiative newsletter.

Last Updated June 29, 2023