This is Penn State Today

Good morning, Penn State!

With this inaugural issue of Penn State Today, we mark the beginning of a new and exciting undertaking. A dedicated team of Penn Staters in the Office of Strategic Communications, in close coordination with our communications colleagues across all campuses, is embarking on a fresh approach to the chronicling of life at Penn State.

So, what is Penn State Today? It’s a publication that is all about building connections among the people who make this place hum – our students, faculty and staff. Each of us has our own, personal connection to this University – each of our campuses and their surrounding communities have grown together in unique ways over the years. Penn State Today is another way for all of us as Penn Staters, from every walk of life and every corner of the globe, to celebrate our connections to this University and to one another.

Penn State Today’s goal is to give new energy to the conversation about the incredible achievements of Penn Staters from around the world; celebrate the University’s strong successes in teaching, research and service; and promote an exchange of ideas among all of the people who learn and work at Penn State each day. You as Penn Staters have amazing stories to tell; one of our goals with this publication is to help you to do just that.

Penn State Today will feature photos and videos documenting life at Penn State; stories about students, faculty and staff at all Penn State locations; news about major events taking place across the University; links to useful information, and much more. The email will arrive in your inbox two mornings a week during the summer, and each weekday during the fall and spring semesters.

Our team welcomes your feedback as Penn State Today evolves throughout the summer, into the fall semester and beyond. This publication is a work in progress, so please do share your thoughts and questions with us at We look forward to your input!

If you would like to submit content for consideration, send your material to us at Wondering if your content will qualify? Review our editorial guidelines.

Last Updated July 7, 2014