Photos of living World War II veterans requested

University prepares to honor the 'Greatest Generation'

Penn State would like to celebrate those who served in the United States military during World War II with a photo gallery. Photos may be emailed to: Use the subject line “Greatest Generation.” Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons

This year’s Military Appreciation Week at Penn State will celebrate the “Greatest Generation” with events to be scheduled from Nov. 8 through the Military Appreciation football game on Nov. 16.

Penn State Today would like to join in this celebration by spotlighting those who served in the United States military during World War II with a photo gallery.

Send us photos of living World War II veterans, nurses or others who served in the Army, Navy, Marines, Army Air Corps or Coast Guard. Our editors will select a series of images to represent the theme of the “Greatest Generation.” Preference will be given photos in a military setting or photos of individuals with a Penn State connection. An ideal entry would include two photos -- one photo of the veteran in a military setting and one current photo of veteran with any military memorabilia.

Include the following information:

  • Name of military member
  • Military rank and /or duty
  • Age
  • Branch of service
  • Penn State connection (Example: Graduate, employee or affiliation with an athletic team); with what campus?
  • Short description of the photo or a quote from the veteran about their time in the service
  • Photographer’s name if available

The photo gallery will be featured in Penn State Today and on Penn State’s social media platforms.
Submission guidelines are available here

  • Submission deadline: 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 30. Selected submissions will appear in an October edition of Penn State Today, and online.
  • Send your photos by email to: Use the subject line “Greatest Generation.”
  • Limit submissions to one submission of up to two photos per person.

By submitting an image, you agree that Penn State has the right and license to redistribute the image, royalty free, on its various communications platforms, including but not limited to Penn State Today, Penn State News and various official social media platforms. You also are agreeing that you (as the submitter) have rights/permission to use the photo.

Send any questions to

Penn State has a longstanding and proud tradition of serving the men and women of our military through education benefits, resources, support and more. Visit to learn more.

Last Updated September 3, 2020