A: U.Ed. numbers, established under the former University Editor Representative System, are used to denote publications and marketing materials that have been properly reviewed, written, designed and prepared, and approved for use by a member of the Marketing Communicators (MarCom) Network. The MarCom Network is established as an area of responsibility under the Office of Strategic Communications in line with Policy AD61 — University Marketing and Communications.
The MarCom Network facilitates engagement between the Department of University Marketing and Advertising and marketing communicators across the University. MarCom representatives (MarCom reps) are appointed by their chancellors, deans or senior administrators to ensure that marketing planning and practices are carried out in line with University policy and established guidelines. Appointments to the MarCom Network are targeted to staff that direct the marketing and branding function in their units. Annemarie Mountz, director of communications in the College of Education, is the MarCom rep for the college.
Only publications and marketing materials that have been approved by the MarCom rep or prepared by University Marketing and Advertising may receive a U.Ed. number.
MarCom reps review and assign U.Ed. numbers to all promotional publications and marketing materials that are produced by their units. This pertains to materials that are used to promote, inform, or recruit, and are directed primarily to external audiences.
Publications and marketing materials that should have U.Ed. numbers (and the requisite reviews and approvals) include: all recruitment materials, brochures, flyers, posters, catalogs, calendars, schedules of events, booklets, view books, invitations, annual reports, newsletters, magazines, etc.
Materials excluded from U.Ed. numbers (no review or oversight by a MarCom rep required) include classroom instructional materials, scholarly journals, faculty papers, internal memorandum, and forms.
For more information or to have a U.Ed. number assigned, email edrelations@psu.edu.