Trustees elect officers, conduct business during July meeting

The University Board of Trustees met July 22 at the Penn State Wilkes-Barre campus, taking action on a number of items and receiving several reports.

Board elections: Ira M. Lubert, chairman and co-founder of Lubert-Adler Real Estate, was elected chair of Penn State’s Board of Trustees. Mark H. Dambly, president of Pennrose Properties, was elected vice chair.

Budget and tuition: The Penn State Board of Trustees voted to approve the proposed budget, tuition and fees schedule during its full meeting on July 22.

Commonwealth Campuses: Penn State’s 20 Commonwealth Campuses not only educate more than 31,000 students, but also drive substantial community impact as employers. With more than 3,700 full-time and 4,000 part-time employees, Penn State campuses remain vital to the economic health and development of the regions they serve. During a presentation, Provost Nick Jones extolled the virtues of the campuses that blanket the state and provided an overview of one of America’s unique university structures.

Penn State Wilkes-Barre: Penn State Wilkes-Barre Chancellor Charles H. Davis offered an overview of the campus’ 100 years of history as a community partner in the Wyoming Valley and shared the formula for future successes.

Bond sale: In early June, the University secured an extremely favorable interest rate in the sale of its $351.9 million (par value) public bonds, as part of its financing of several building projects on multiple campuses.

Penn State DuBois renovations: Students at Penn State DuBois will have the chance to enjoy an updated Student Union and cafeteria area beginning during the 2016-17 academic year. Renovations to the Hiller Building are underway this summer, including work to replace the kitchen and food-prep area in the Lion's Den Café. Additional updates to the union area, including new flooring, also will be completed.

Residence halls naming: Trustees approved names for two new residence halls currently under construction on the University Park campus. The residences halls, located in the North Halls and East Halls areas, are scheduled to be completed in fall 2017.

Last Updated July 25, 2016