As an institution of higher education, Penn State encourages free and open discussion as a way to strengthen our democracy and promote critical thinking and growth, and the university has a variety of speakers on its campuses.
No event featuring Riley Gaines has ever been canceled at Penn State.
Initially, Turning Point USA, the student group bringing Ms. Gaines to campus, sought indoor space, but did not meet the deadline for submitting the required reservation documents — an expectation upheld for any recognized student organization at Penn State. The group then shared alternative plans for an outdoor event to celebrate free speech, and as late as last week they had no confirmation that Ms. Gaines would attend the event, however they sent a confirmation early this morning.
University leaders learned Monday evening via social media that Gaines is coming to the University Park campus on Oct. 10. Penn State staff are in contact with the student organization to take steps to create a safe environment for the event, consistent with university policies and the First Amendment.